Digital Communicators Podcast

#39, Winning the battle for B2B brand awareness budget

Episode Summary

95% of B2B customers are not in-market to buy your product or service at the current time. So how can marketeers make sure that you are front of mind with your target audience when they are making a purchasing decision?

Episode Notes

Effective marketing and PR works primarily by reaching the 95% of customers who are not yet in-market, increasing the odds your brand gets remembered when those customers do decide to buy. The challenge faced by B2B marketeers when allocating budget to their brand awareness goals, is convincing the budget holder that they will see a return on their investment. Babel director Simon Coughlin discusses the issue with Chrissy Tansey from Babel client Doit, Jon Lombardo, who until recently was the  Global Head of Research at Linkedin’s B2B Institute, and Babel campaign director Holly Abbott, who outlines some of the best tactics to help your brand raise awareness to ensure you are front of mind when your target audience makes a purchasing decision.